Introduction to
God's Work of Revelation
September 29, 1999
The Source of Knowledge 

Most people accept that knowledge comes from both the mind and senses (more detail).  In Christianity there is a third source of knowledge called revelation: 

  • Revelational knowledge - Information originating from God.
  • Rational knowledge - Information originating from the mind.
  • Empirical knowledge - Information originating from the senses.
From the beginning, God's revelation has established the reality of knowledge from the mind and senses.  From the beginning, there have also been limitations in knowing because humanity is finite and now imperfect.  The Biblical perspective balances reality with limitations.  It distinguishes true from false and the real from imaginary (more detail). 

The Authority of The Bible 

Christianity sees that all knowledge is upheld by God and His work of revelation.  At the heart of these two assumptions is the Bible.  The Bible is a collection of books authored over a period of 1500 years by over 40 authors.  It contains history, poetry, prophecy, and, most importantly, the life of Jesus.  The Bible claims to be authoritative revelation from God (more detail).  Evidences for the authenticity of the Bible begin with its unified message and historical reporting of the facts.  The Bible's internal consistency and external evidences support God's original inspiration.  Those who compiled the books from various authors had the attitude of "if in doubt, throw it out."  The Bible's unparalleled manuscript reliability is evidence of God's work of preserving revelation (more detail). 

Revelation is at the Center of All Knowledge  

The God Who reveals offers a firm basis for knowing which is supported by evidence.  The Biblical perspective balances reality with limitations.  We can sort and prioritize what we know within a spectrum of conviction (more detail).  Along with the foundations of knowledge, God gives us imperatives and strategies to know His world.  From the Christian perspective, God's work of revelation is at the center of all other knowledge (more detail). 
The Knowledge of God 

God and His works of creation and revelation are the basis of life's meaning answering the questions of life category by category.   The God of the Bible offers a life full of meaning and He is revealed to all humanity through the physical world and within our being.  God reveals Himself in many ways, but the most profound is that He has come to His world.  While the proliferation of other worldviews has been allowed throughout time, Christianity claims truth and freedom are found in Jesus (Jn 8:31-32).  In God's world, an openness to all worldviews is directly along side the truth in Jesus (more detail).