& Academics |
20, 1999 |
In God's world, there is a firm basis
of knowledge.
Furthermore, reality is balanced with
We can prioritize what we know within
a spectrum of conviction.
Along with this foundation, God gives
us imperatives to know His world.
Elements of the cycle of discovery can
be traced to their ancient roots.
Figure: "The Cycle
of Discovery."
The elements of this ancient cycle are
rarely viewed as a whole.
Scientific method reflects some elements
of this more basic model of discovery.
Modern quality improvement in business
also echoes this cycle.
Figure: "Scientific
Method & Quality Improvement."
In today's culture, science & business
typically do not recognize God.
The human elements of the Biblical cycle,
however, are quite prominent.
Pure &
Applied Academics
The discussion of pure & applied academics
begins with unity & diversity.
At all levels, knowledge reflects the
unity & diversity of God.
From the beginning, knowledge has ranged
from universal to specific.
For example, the man chose one universal
& one specific name for the woman.
"Woman" also means "wife" or "female"
denoting universal scope (Gen 2:23).
He also names her "Eve" since she was
"the mother of all the living" (Gen 3:20).
"Eve" means "life" or "the first woman"
having a specific scope.
Knowledge has reflected God's unity &
diversity from the beginning.
Unity & diversity are the starting
points for "applied" & "pure" academics.
Pure Academics: From Diversity to Unity
From the beginning, knowledge has been
derived from basic data (Gen 2:23).
"Pure" academics work in this way, from
specific facts to principles.
Experimental science, for example, determines
natural laws from observed facts.
History, by definition, is the recording
& analysis of past events.
Figure: "Observations
of History & Science."
Derived knowledge must be continually
checked against basic data (Mk 7:6-13).
If derived knowledge goes unchecked, deviation
from the truth is likely.
Scientific method & the plan, do,
check, act cycle ensure continual checking.
Diversity is the starting point for the
"pure" academic disciplines.
Applied Academics: From Unity to Diversity
General principles have many applications.
A Biblical example is the phrase, "Whoever
has, more shall be given":
Mt 13:12 Responsiveness brings increased
Mt 25:29 Responsiveness brings increased
Mk 4:25 Selective listening brings
increased insight.
Unity is the starting point for the "applied"
academic disciplines.
"Applied" academics fields include health
sciences, engineering & business.
A Relational Model of Academics
Three areas of academics were defined
before: art, science & theology.
Figure: "Three
Spheres of Knowing."
A fourth area is humanities which is concerned
with human thought & relations.
The sphere of academics is tied to purpose,
our three relationships in life.
Figure: "Reflecting
God's Image in Three Relationships."
A relational model of academics reflects
these three relationships (Gen 1:28).
Theology &, in a broader sense, religion
study our relationship with God.
Humanities (liberal arts) & social
sciences study human relationships.
Art & natural sciences study our relationship
with nature.
On each level of academics pure &
applied fields can be distinguished.
Figure: "Three Tiers
of Academics."
This model promotes a spectrum of academic
and vocational endeavors.
The Queen of the Sciences
Positioned above natural & social
sciences on the sphere is theology.
As defined earlier, theology is the study
of God & His relationship with His world.
By this definition, "God & His Mighty
Works" could be considered theology.
See also: "The
Bible and Theology, A Topical Study from the Foundations Web Site."
Christianity has historically viewed theology
as the "Queen of the Sciences."
By understanding God & His world,
the rest of life can be understood.
With this central role, theology rightly
sits at the top of the sphere of academics.
Along with its formal study, theology
has a part in every Christian worldview.
Central to a Christian worldview are a
set of beliefs regarding God & His world.
In this sense, a Christian has "personal
theology" near the center of their beliefs.
Assumptions Guiding Formal & Personal
In God's world, there is a firm basis
of knowledge & its pursuit.
The open architecture of Biblical discovery
fosters the exploration of knowledge.
Christianity provides a foundation for
the academic study of God's world.
Its relational academic model shows how
Christianity touches all areas of life.