The God Who
Reveals |
9, 1995 |
Three Sources of Knowledge
How do we know in God's world?
In Christianity, the answer is rooted
in a third source of knowledge, revelation.
Secular worldviews are limited to two
sources of knowing.
By definition there is only the rational
& empirical.
Non-religious worldviews have no information
coming from the Supernatural.
In contrast, most religious worldviews
recognize three sources of knowledge.
Along with rational & empirical knowledge,
there is revelation.
In Christianity, it is God who ultimately
reveals understanding to humanity.
Solomon, Jesus & Paul recognize &
prioritize the three sources.
Figure: "Three
Sources of Knowledge."
The Basis of Knowing
In Christianity, all knowing is founded
upon God's existence & revelation.
From the beginning He has revealed the
reality of matter, senses & ideas.
Figure: "God's
Revelation: The Basis of Knowing."
Belief in the God who reveals underlies
our rational & empirical assumptions.
The Expansion & Boundaries of Knowing
Since the beginning, God has overseen
the expansion & boundaries of knowing.
Knowledge expands as God gives & preserves
& humanity pursues it.
Knowledge also has boundaries in God's
God may choose to conceal & abolish
Humanity's finite & fallen abilities
limit our pursuit.
Figure: "The Expansion
& Boundaries of Knowing."
The Biblical perspective balances reality
with limitations.
It distinguishes true from false &
the real from imaginary.
God Initiates & Oversees
How do we know?
In God's world, all knowing is founded
upon Him.
Like His work of creation, God's work
of revelation is dynamic.
God initiates the basis of revelation
& oversees its expansion & boundaries.
Figure: "God Initiates
& Oversees Knowing."
Road Map to Chapters Following
This chapter lays the foundation for our
world of information.
From here our study will proceed in two
Since the Bible is central to God's revelation,
we will examine its integrity.
We will first consider its claims of authenticity
& then supporting evidences.
From there we will shift to a more global
perspective of our knowing.
We will explore the areas of belief, conviction,
discovery & academics.
The philosophical foundations in this
chapter will be taken to practical arenas.
Lastly, we will wrap up God's revelation
with a discussion on the pursuit of Him.