Salvation: A Renovation of Life
March 16, 2002
Salvation Renovates All of Life
Several things result from God's rebirth of the individual.
God's work of salvation begins the renovation of one's entire life.
Salvation initiates God's works of regeneration, church & eternity.
God regenerates the individual giving us new identity & power (Jn 7:38).
God joins us to a new relational community in His church (Mt 16:16-18).
God gives us a new destiny with Him in His eternal kingdom (Jn 3:16).
Salvation does not depend on these things but it results in these things.
Salvation, regeneration, church & eternity reflect the dynamics of God's world.
Figure: "
The Dynamics of God's Salvation
Regeneration, New Identity & Power
Regeneration means "formed again" or "radically changed for the better."
Figure: "
Regeneration, New Identity & Power
See also: "
Rebirth and Growth, A Topical Study from the Foundations Web Site
A changed life is an indication of rebirth (Jm 2:26).
The reality of sin in the believer means he will not be perfect in this life.
In a sense, an element of hypocrisy is "built-in" to the Christian.
What is observed as hypocrisy is a real struggle of good & evil in the believer.
Never-the-less, God equips the Christian for growth in mind, will & emotion.
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Faith, Obedience & Love
God's work of regeneration affects the believer's identity, power & character.
The Church, A New Community
God brings the new believer into a new relational community in His church.
The church meets needs which may not be met in existing relationships.
Figure: "
Church Relationships & Ministries
God empowers the believer with spiritual gifts to do the tasks of ministry.
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Gifts, Ministries & Effects
See also: "
Church, A Topical Study from the Foundations Web Site
The church must continually realign to its roots to retain its simple focus.
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New Wine Skins
As a "new wine skin", the church has a new identity in Christ.
Figure: "
Identity in Christ
Salvation, regeneration & the church add three elements to a Christian's identity.
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Christian Identity
Like individual believers, the church is not without error.
The source of hypocrisy in the church is from believers & from non-believers.
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Sheep & Goats
Eternity, A New Destiny
God's work of eternity encompasses the eternal destiny of all mankind.
Old & New Testaments tell of events which lead up to God's eternal kingdom.
Figure: "
A Chronology of the End Times
See also: "
Introduction to God's Work of Eternity
Foremost events are Jesus' second coming, the judgment & eternal destiny.
At the judgment, Jesus separates those who know Him from those who don't.
Believers spend eternity with God & unbelievers spend it separated from God.
Because revelation was rejected at creation, awareness varies across mankind.
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The Pursuit of God
God will judge all individuals in His justice & mercy.
Those who know God will spend eternity focused on Him.
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The Progression of Relationships
A major theme of Jesus' ministry is to be ready for eternity at all times.
Jesus contrasts gaining the entire world & forfeiting the soul (Mk 8:36-37).
Since longevity is uncertain, deal with eternal issues promptly (Lk 12:16-21).
God's work of salvation begins the renovation of one's entire life.
His work of salvation initiates His works of regeneration, church & eternity.
God gives each believer a new inner being, relational community & destiny.
These works bring completion to God's work of creation.
Regarding identity, the believer has seven elements which define who he is.
New identity & power will affect values, choices, responsibility & morals.
The Christian will have a new outlook of hope on God's oversight of history.
Regarding purpose, the primary relationship in life with God is reestablished.
Regarding death, the believer has an eternal fellowship with God.
This work brings completion to the believer (Col 2:8-15).