New Wine
Skins |
2, 1996 |
Transition Between Old & New Testament
In Luke 5:27-39 Pharisees question Jesus
regarding His untraditional practices.
Jesus responds with the parables of the
patched garment & the wine skins.
Parable of The Patched Garment
A new patch on an old garment will tear
both the old & the new.
A new patch will not match (agree or be
in harmony) with the old garment.
Christianity would not renovate Judaism
but be a new faith.
Parable of The Wine skins
Old Testament revelation consisted of
The Law, Prophets & Writings (Lk 24:44).
New Testament revelation centers on God
who came to His world (Jn 1:1, 14).
Revelation made a major shift from writings
about God to God Himself.
There were seven Old Testament sacrifices
(Lev 1-6).
Christ is the perfect sacrifice replacing
the old sacrifices (Heb 7:26-28).
Believers are to present their bodies
a living & holy sacrifice (Rom 12:1-2).
Baptism & communion are simple ceremonies
symbolizing spiritual realities.
Initially, baptisms were performed in
rivers & communion taken with meals.
The Old Testament had a priesthood (Ex
Jesus is our new high priest (Heb 4:14,
Believers are the new holy priesthood
(1 Pet 2:9, Rev 1:6).
The NT emphasizes leadership, not ceremonial
heads (Eph 4:11-16).
A portable tabernacle & later permanent
temple were used (Ex 25-27, 1 Ki 6-8).
Jesus referred to His own body as the
temple (Jn 2:18-22).
Believers are referred to as:
The temple of the Holy Spirit
(1 Cor 3:16-17, 6:19)
God's House (Heb 3:6, 1 Tim
A holy temple (Eph 2:21, 2 Cor
The New Testament makes little mention
of building facilities.
The church met in homes for 2 centuries
(Acts 2:37-47, Rom 16:5, 1 Cor 16:19).
The New Testament church began as a Christ-centered
relational institution.
Jesus is now the culmination of revelation,
ceremony, hierarchy & facility.
Human additions to God's standard are
rebuked by Jesus (Mk 7:1-13).
Extraneous ceremony, hierarchy & facility
must not encumber the Christian.
Criteria for one's choice of church must
center on the New Testament standard.
The New Testament church made a monumental
shift from the Old Testament.
To make this shift, a change of wine skin
was required at Pentecost (Acts 2).
The Reformation sets a precedence for
changing wine skins after Pentecost.
Figure: "Historical
Overview of Western Culture."
Individuals & churches today must
continually realign to the Biblical base.