Sheep &
Goats |
April 29,
1994 |
Individual & Corporate Error
There is a struggle of good & evil
in every believer & in the church as a whole.
The following two examples illustrate
the spectrum of participants in the church.
Jesus' Disciples
All 12 disciples were chosen & set
aside by Jesus Himself (Mk 3:13-20).
At least 33% of Jesus' disciples demonstrate
gross unbelief or failure.
Seven Churches in Revelation
Seven churches in the book of Revelation
exhibit both good & bad attributes.
Of the seven churches, problems are noted
in 70% of them.
Sheep & Goats
While the church has a spectrum of people,
there is a clear eternal distinction.
The following teachings of Jesus depict
the eternal distinction:
parable of the wheat and the tares
(Mt 13:24-30, 36-43)
separation of the sheep & goats
at the judgment (Mt 25:31-46)
As evidenced by the disciples & the
seven churches, there will be:
sheep with uncorrected goat-like
behavior (hypocrites) in the sheepfold
goats (the unsaved) in the sheepfold
The following diagram highlights the spectrum
of church participants: