Knowing God
September 18, 1999

The God of the Bible 

Just who is God?  We have seen much about God's character in each of the previous sections.  God is relational.  He is one yet three persons: Father, Son and Holy Spirit.  God is personal, He has mind, will and emotions.  God is perfect, without error or flaw in mind, will and emotion.  The God of truth is without error in His mind.  The God of holiness is without error in His will.  The God of love is without error in His emotional affection.  Finally, God is infinite, He is without limitations.  He is infinite in existence, time, substance, space, mind, will and value.  The God of the Bible is distinct from all others (more detail). 

The Pursuit of God 

God is foundational to all else.  God and His works of creation and revelation are the basis of life's meaning.  The Christian faith answers the questions of life category by category.   The God of the Bible offers a life full of meaning and He is revealed to all humanity through the physical world and within our being.  While the proliferation of other worldviews has been allowed throughout time (Acts 14:16), Christianity claims truth and freedom are found in Jesus (Jn 8:31-32).  In God's world, an openness to all worldviews is directly along side the truth in Jesus (more detail). 

Ultimate Challenge for the Non-Christian 

Christianity is unique among other religions and philosophies for a couple of reasons.  In other worldviews, humanity seeks god or the "essence of life" but in Christianity, God comes to humanity.  Secondly, Christianity is, by comparison, very  simple.  It is God reestablishing a relationship with us. 

A renewed relationship with God is pivotal to restoring life's meaning.  While its underpinnings are extensive, salvation is quite simple.  In essence, God desires a relationship with each of us (more detail). 

Ultimate Challenge for the Christian 

Several things result from God's rebirth of the individual.  God's work of salvation begins the renovation of one's entire life.  God regenerates the individual (Jn 7:38) giving us new identity and power (of course, some sin remains in the believer which means there is an element of "built-in hypocrisy" in the Christian).  God joins us to a new relational community in His church (Mt 16:16-18).  Finally, God gives us a new destiny with Him in His eternal kingdom (Jn 3:16).  Salvation does not depend on these things but it results in these things (more detail). 

There is a challenge here for those who already know Jesus.  As Lord of all, Jesus demands all of our life.  We are to passionately pursue our relationship with Him, others and nature and, at the same time, abandon our rights and expectations.  In short, we are to live a life of passion and abandon before Him (more detail).