Three Key Relationships
At rebirth, the believer enters a new relational community called the church. No matter what the condition of a new convert's relational world, the church is there offering relational connection and healing. When the Bible speaks of the church, it is not a reference to church buildings or a denomination. The church is believers in Christ across the world and throughout time. Part of our new identity in Christ is the relational community of the church. As we have seen from God's work of creation, humanity was created in God's image to exist in relationships with Himself, others and nature (Gen 1:28). The church has a somewhat different relational emphasis (Jn 17:23) which is focused on:
Keeping Relationships Vital When the Christian church was started, Jesus established an entirely new relational emphasis which departed from the existing Jewish church. Christianity's new focus on revelation, sacrifice, priesthood and tabernacle was very simple by comparison. Since its start, history has shown that believers can become focused on extraneous writings, church leaders, excessive ritual, buildings, hierarchy, even combining church and state. Relationships will be central if believers remain focused on Jesus who is the culmination of revelation, sacrifice, priesthood and facility. Spiritual Gifts Empower Ministry Across humanity, God gives individuals made in His image special strengths and abilities. Likewise in the church, He endows each believer with spiritual gifts to empower it's ministry. The ministries of the church align with its relational focus of Christ, believers and the world (Acts 2:37-47). Together, spiritual gifts and ministries have a positive effect in the growth of the individual and church body. God gives believers further instructions about the ministries of the church. He gives guidance in prayer and the teaching of His Word. God specifies qualifications for those leading His church and gives instruction on authority and leadership. While the church is built upon many ideals, there will always be a mix of believers and nonbelievers in the sheepfold. There will always be error that God wants us to correct. While there is a mix of beliefs across the world, believers are commissioned to present the good news of Jesus so that others my come to know Him (more detail). |