Introduction to
God's Work of Salvation
October 5, 1999
A Simple Yet Costly Relationship 
Christianity is unique among other religions and philosophies for a couple of reasons.  In other worldviews, humanity seeks god or the "essence of life" but in Christianity, God comes to humanity.  Secondly, Christianity is, by comparison, very  simple.  It is God reestablishing a relationship with us.  This is not to say that the simplicity of Christianity was not produced without extreme cost.  God paid the price of His own torturous death to bridge the relationship to Him. 

Entering a Relationship with God 

While God and His works of creation and revelation are the basis of life's meaning, a renewed relationship with God is pivotal to restoring life's meaning.  While its underpinnings are extensive, salvation is quite simple: 

  • Relationship - God desires a relationship with us
  • Sin - We have all sinned before God
  • Jesus' Death - Jesus died for our sin
  • Faith - Salvation is God's gift, not by our efforts
God desires a relationship with each of us and has provided a means for that relationship (more detail). 

Salvation Is Pivotal to All 

God's work of salvation is pivotal to all.  While the basis of meaning in life is built upon His creation and revelation, restoring meaning comes from His work of salvation.  Salvation leads to a renewal of life through His works of regeneration, the church and eternity.  God regenerates the inner person of new believer, brings them into a new relational community in His church and gives them a new eternal destiny.  While salvation does not depend on these things, it results in these things.  Salvation, then, can be pictured as the key juncture in life.