What Is My Final Destiny?
May 8, 1999
The Issues 

The question of death asks what our final destiny is.  Closely related to the question of death is the question of suffering which asks why any suffering exists.  Commonly held views of suffering and death relate to our outlook on history.  There are views which see suffering as a result of the progressive struggle of matter or ideas.  Terminal views of death align with birth-decay cyclic view of history.  Eternal views hold that one's substance, family, influence or spirit lives on. 

God's Plan for Longevity and Humanity's Fall 

God's original plan for life was longevity (Gen 2:9, 16, Rev 22:2).  But humanity's fall resulted in broken relationships with God, others and nature.  Death was the punishment for disobeying God (Gen 3:19).  Humanity's shift from perfect to imperfect resulted in a broken world of suffering.  The depths of human brokenness are evidenced by conflict and suffering. 

God's Preservation and Grace 

While the curse of death and suffering paint a dark picture, there is a very bright side.  Since the fall, God has extended His faithfulness and mercy by preserving people and nature (Gen 3:7, 21, Ps 36:6).  By His grace, God grants each successive moment of our life (Lk 13:1-9).  Deserving of death, we must appreciate each moment of life we experience.  While death and suffering mark our fallen existence, the gracious God preserves. 

There is another positive side of suffering.  For the non-Christian, suffering can be a pathway to discover God.  For the Christian, suffering can be a means to deepen our relationship with God.  While suffering is always painful, there can be benefits. 

The Afterlife 

From the Christian perspective, our existence does not end with death.  The Bible recognizes an afterlife following our physical death (Lk 16:19-31).  Life after death is evidenced in recent studies of resuscitated patients.  If there is indeed an afterlife, the issues of death become more far reaching.  We need to get to know God and resolve eternal issues now.  Jesus stresses immediacy because death's timing is unknown (Lk 12:16-21). 


What is my final destiny?  In God's world there is an earthly life followed by an afterlife.  Our earthly life is punctuated by death due to our sin.  Life is also troubled with suffering due to sin.  But by His grace, God preserves.  While unpleasant, suffering may be a pathway to discover God.  Ultimately, we must resolve eternal issues and our relationship with God. 

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