Death: What Is My Final Destiny?
January 9, 1999
Questions of Death & Suffering
The question of death is closely related to the question of suffering.
The question of death asks what our final destiny is.
The question of suffering asks why suffering exists.
Secular Response
Commonly held views of suffering & death relate to our outlook on history.
Suffering is a result of the progressive struggle of matter & ideas.
It is a normal part of the ongoing cycle of history.
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History: Issues & Views
Terminal views of death align with birth-decay cyclic view of history.
Eternal views hold that one's substance, family, influence or spirit lives on.
God's Plan for Longevity in Creation
God's original plan for life was longevity.
Life was to be sustained through the tree of life (Gen 2:9, 16, Rev 22:2).
God warned the man that death would be a result of disobedience (Gen 2:17).
There is no mention of suffering or death before the fall (Gen 2:5-25).
The Origin of Death & Suffering in Humanity's Fall
The fall of humanity resulted in broken relationships with God, others & nature.
Death was the punishment for disobeying God (Gen 3:19).
The man & woman were therefore restricted from the tree of life (Gen 3:22-24).
God has carried out His justice to all humankind by limiting life with death.
There are a range of possibilities of how death occurs beginning with infertility.
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The Spectrum of Limitations & Longevity
Humanity's shift from perfect to imperfect resulted in a broken world of suffering.
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Broken People in a Broken World
Humankind rapidly corrupts within one generation of the creation.
Genesis 4:3-15 is the tragic account of Cain killing his brother Able out of envy.
Since the fall, suffering has been an inevitable part of life.
The depths of human brokenness are evidenced by conflict & suffering.
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Broken Symmetries in a Broken World
Sin has resulted in the abnormalities of death & suffering (Rom 2:9, 5:12).
A yearning for longevity & success evidence our abnormal.
God's Preservation & Grace
After their punishment, God provided durable clothing (Gen 3:7, 21).
God extends His faithfulness & mercy by preserving people & nature (Ps 36:6).
While we are all deserving of death, the faithful & merciful God preserves.
God's justice is complemented with mercy & preservation (Job 37:13).
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Providence: The Ongoing Work of The Eternal God
God's grace is an overarching feature of the post-fall world.
Humanity's post-fall destiny is immediate death, not a life of 70 years longevity.
By His grace, God grants each successive moment of our life (Lk 13:1-9).
Deserving of death, we must appreciate each moment of life we experience.
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The Age of Grace
While death & suffering mark our fallen existence, the gracious God preserves.
The Positive Side of Suffering
While suffering is always painful, there can be a beneficial side.
For the non-Christian, suffering can be a pathway to discover God.
For the Christian, suffering can be a means to deepen our relationship with God.
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Pain & Gain through Suffering
Aging, Death & the Afterlife
From the Christian perspective, our existence does not end with death.
The Bible recognizes an afterlife following our physical death (Lk 16:19-31).
Life after death is evidenced in recent studies of resuscitated patients.
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Beyond Death
If there is indeed an afterlife, the issues of death become more far reaching.
Solomon makes several observations about life, aging, death & the afterlife.
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Life, Aging & Death
Solomon recommends to get to know God & resolve eternal issues now.
Jesus stresses immediacy because death's timing is unknown (Lk 12:16-21).
Chapter 18
we will explore crossing the bridge into a relationship with God.
Eternity Is Part of a Greater Pattern
The afterlife fits into the greater overall pattern of God's work.
God initiates, oversees & receives all things (Rom 11:36).
God initiated the origin of the world giving it identity & meaning.
He oversees the history of the world.
God then receives people back for life's final review in the afterlife.
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The Dynamics of God's Creation
God's work of eternity will be described further in
Chapter 19
The reality of God's grace & the afterlife can be a great comfort to those in grief.
The Building Blocks of God's Creation
Death & suffering are the last issues we will examine through God's creation.
These along with the other issues of life form building blocks of God's creation.
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A Summary of God's Creation
What is my final destiny?
In God's world there is an earthly life followed by an afterlife.
Our earthly life is punctuated by death due to our sin.
Life is also troubled with suffering due to sin.
But by His grace, God preserves.
While unpleasant, suffering may be a pathway to discover God.
Ultimately, we must resolve eternal issues & our relationship with God.