Cars and Worldview
At the Foundations Web Site
March 9, 2004
Like many hobbies, cars has its roots in our relationship with nature.  This hobby focusses on physical machines performing in the physical world.  Cars can be an outlet for creativity within order, beauty and function, control of nature, achievement, utilization of natural resources, ownership, and safety.  These elements intensify as one advances from spectator, to mechanic, to racer, to fabricator and to designer.

In academia, cars shows up on the third of three tiers in the areas of manufacturing technology, the applied science of engineering, and the applied art of functional design.  Like many other activities, involvement in cars must be kept in check because excesses can diminish the Lord's place in our life.  Even though the emphasis of cars is on our relationship with nature, God would have us pursue it with passion and glorify Him through it.