Myers-Briggs Personality Type Indicator Test
Below is a link to David Keirsey's version of the Myers-Briggs personality type indicator test. You can also find this abbreviated test in his book (Please Understand Me) at libraries and book stores. Following are some helpful hints in taking the test. 
  • There are no wrong answers to this test.
  • Try to give your immediate first response to each question. Think it over only if you have to.
  • Determine which of the two responses describes you most often. Even though both may characterize you, which is slightly more basic to who you are.
  • Answer each question how you are, not how you want to be someday.
  • Your job may require you to be a certain way (interact with people or concentrate alone) but try to answer according to how you really are.
Link to The Keirsey Temperament Sorter at David Keirsey's web site.