Archaeological Trend: Biblical Authenticity
For the last 150 years, critics have discredited
the Bible's historical accuracy.
Time after time, however, archaeology
has proven Biblical statements to be true.
While questions remain, the Bible's track
record confirms its authenticity.
The external evidence surrounding the
Bible is testimony of God's inspiration.
Archaeological Data Base: More Proof Expected
The majority of archaeological data from
this area remains to be escavated.
Based on this trend of historical accuracy,
additional evidences can be expected.
The Bible & Science: Harmony Expected
Archaeology & history confirm the
authenticity of the Bible & the reality of God.
Modern science, however, has largely adopted
an anti-supernatural position.
Given this premise, it has rejected any
form of miracle, especially big miracles.
Its major difficulty with the Bible, therefore,
is the creation & flood.
While archaeology supports these events,
scientific models vary greatly.
Of course, Genesis 1-9 accounts for only
0.7 % of the total content of the Bible.
Given the harmony of the Bible & history,
harmony is also expected with science.