& Change |
June 25,
1998 |
The Issue
When should things remain the same &
when should things change?
Some hold that all things should remain
essentially the same.
Some hold that all things should continually
Constancy & change are the essence
of conservative & liberal viewpoints.
Webster's Definition of Conservative
Unchanging, preserve the original.
Religion, politics, the environment -
preserve what is established.
Physics - charge, energy & mass change
but system totals are constant.
Webster's Definition of Liberal
Changing, flexible, giving.
Open to change, not bound by traditional
forms, tolerant.
Marked by generosity & openhandedness.
Bible Trivia
Which character in the Bible best reflects
Which character in the Bible best reflects
The Biblical Standard
Many characters reflect constancy &
change, but God is the final standard.
God is unchanging (Mal 3:6, Heb 13:8).
God is flexible (Phil 2:6-7) & giving
(Jn 3:16).
Is this a compromise, contradiction or
Scripture reflects an ultimate balance
in the character of God.
Figure: "The
Contrasting Symmetries of God."
Society is profoundly confused on what
should be changed & what should not.
We change the things which should be preserved.
We preserve the things which should be
What is the solution?
Determine those things God does not want
to change & seek to preserve them.
Doctrine, for example, should not change
(1 Tim 4:1-11).
Determine those things God wants to change
& seek to be flexible & giving.
Retain the same message but use different
approaches (Jn 1:14, 1 Cor 9:19-23).