A Biblical View on Drinking
March 12, 2004
Biblical Openness to Alcohol
Alcohol is not "unclean" in itself (Rom 14:14).
In the OT, alcohol was part of an alternative tithe celebration (Deut 14:22-26).
Jesus drank and was falsely accused of drunkenness (Mat 11:18-19).
Jesus supported the use of wine in a wedding celebration (John 2:1-11).
Paul urges Timothy to use a little wine for his health (1 Tim 5:23).
Whether you drink or not, let your convictions be before God (Rom 14:5-12).
Biblical Boundaries of Drinking
Don't get drunk but be filled with God (Eph 5:18).
Obey the law (Rom 13:1).
Don't make other Christians stumble (Rom 14, 1 Cor 8).
If you drink, don't judge those who don't drink (Rom 14:1-4).
Some Believers Separate from Alcohol
One part of the Nazirite Vow in the OT was to abstain (Num 6:1-21).
The vow was voluntary and taken for only a period of time.
Its purpose was for self-denial and to separate oneself for the Lord.
John the Baptist (Luke 1:15) and Paul (Acts 18:18) took the vow.
Some Christians today choose to abstain for the Lord (Rom 14:5-6).
If you don't drink, don't judge those who do drink (Rom 14:1-4).