Introduction to
The God of the Bible
November 13, 1999
Who is God? 

Just who is God?  He is relational, personal, perfect and infinite: 

  • Relational - God is one yet three persons: Father, Son (Jesus) and Holy Spirit.
  • Personal - God has mind, will and emotions.
  • Perfect - God is without error or flaw in mind (truth), will (holy) and emotion (love).
  • Infinite - God is without limitations in every respect (time, space, mind, will etc.).
The Bible reveals that God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit has these attributes.  Notice that there are pairs of seemingly opposite attributes, for example mind and emotion, holiness and love, justice and mercy.  The contrasting symmetries of God define Him and we will see how they are reflected in His world.  The God of the Bible is distinct from the gods of deism, world religions and other Bible based religions (more detail). 
God Comes to His World 

The most significant way the God of Christianity is different from other gods is that He has come to His world.  The coming of Jesus, God the Son, is the most profound event in human history.  During His time on earth, Jesus abandons His infinite attribute and becomes a finite human.  Many ancients who foresaw the coming Messiah recognized His deity along with those who lived with Jesus.  Jesus shares work with the Father and has similar names.  Jesus associates with God the Father in ways that make Him inseparable and His profound lasting insights into life attest to His deity (more detail). 

Evidence that God Came 

Biblical prophecy and Jesus' resurrection give compelling evidence to these claims.  Biblical prophecy was written several hundred years before His life on earth.  Prophecy depicts His time and place of birth, His ancestry and much more.  The likelihood of one person fulfilling just a few of these predictions is remote.  Likewise, Jesus resurrection gives evidence that can be reexamined at any time in history.  One must deal with the historical fact that Jesus' corpse was never found that morning after He was put in a stone tomb.  The popular explanations for the empty tomb all have their difficulties.  Biblical Prophecy and the resurrection substantiate Jesus' deity and the existence of God Himself. 

There are four possible conclusions regarding who Jesus claimed to be.  He was either a legend, liar, lunatic or He was the Lord.  Only one or these logical possibilities is consistent with His impact on history.  Jesus lasting influence in history began with those closest to Him.  There are only three possible explanations regarding the martyrs deaths of the disciples.  They were either phonies, fooled or faithful. 

The God who transcends time, space and matter has appeared in human history.  Jesus makes the intangible God (Jn 14:7) tangible (more detail).  As we will see, the God of the Bible is foundational to all else in life.