Why Am I Here? |
2, 1999 |
The Issues
The question of meaning deals with freewill,
responsibility, values & morals.
It focuses on these issues in the present.
The question of history deals with the
same issues only in the past.
Have I been free to choose or am I a product
of my environment?
The question of purpose focuses on what
is meaningful in our future.
In other words, why are we here?
In the world system, anything goes.
Examples include fatalism, hedonism, &
transcendental states of mind.
Figure: "Major
Worldviews of Our Day."
A Biblical Perspective
Purpose in life finds its roots in that
we are made in God's image (Gen 1:26-27).
We are made to reflect God's image &
glorify Him in all that we do (1 Cor 10:31).
From the beginning, this has been manifested
in three relationships.
We were made to have relationships with
God, humanity & nature (Gen 1:28).
Figure: "Reflecting
God's Image in Three Relationships."
A Relationship with God
From the beginning, we were designed for
a relationship with God (Gen 1:28).
Our relationship with God is like Jesus'
relationship with the Father (Jn 17:21).
Like Jesus & the Father, we are to
have a relationship of faith, obedience & love.
Our relationship with God is to ultimately
bring glory to Him (1 Cor 10:31).
In Chapter
18 we will explore crossing the bridge into a relationship with God.
Relationships with Humanity
A Relationship with Nature
From the beginning, we were designed for
a relationship with nature (Gen 1:28).
Our relationship with nature is like God's
relationship with nature.
It is similar to God's creation, providence
& preservation.
With respect to creation, it reflects
creativity, order, beauty & function.
In Exodus 28:31-33, God guides Israel
into creativity.
In this passage He instructs them how
to make the priest's robes.
He requests pomegranates of different
colors to be added for decoration.
Further, He asks for blue pomegranates
which are not found in nature.
There is freedom to make something like
nature, yet creatively different from it.
As seen in nature, we can balance:
creativity with order
beauty with function
Here we discover the basis of art &
Like God in His providence, we are to
achieve, control, utilize & own.
As God preserves, we are to preserve,
provide & pursue health & safety.
Here, there are fundamental balances of:
achievement with health & safety
utilization with preservation in natural
Provision, utilization & preservation
form the basis of balance in economics.
See also: "Finances,
A Topical Study from the Foundations Web Site."
Our relationship with nature is to ultimately
bring glory to God (1 Cor 10:31).
A Partnership with God
As many of these texts show, these relationships
are a partnership with God.
For example, our faith is initiated by
God (Eph 2:8-9, 1 Cor 2:5).
Likewise, we are to manage what God ultimately
owns (Mt 25:14-30).
What is our purpose in life, why are we
In God's world we are to reflect His image
& bring glory to Him.
We are to do this through our relationships
with Him, humanity & nature.
God is the author of our existence, identity,
meaning, history & purpose.
He is our role model & partner in