Ten Marks of Successful Leadership
April 5, 1994
Walk with God
Walk intimately with God (Gen 39:1-6, Deut 34:10-12, Lk 6:12-13, Jn 15:4-5).
Subject yourself to the same law as others (Deut 17:18-20).
Control your drive for power, sex & money (Deut 17:16-17).
Resist indulgence in privileges that come with promotion (Neh 5:14, 18).
Cry out
to God with your concerns (Num 11:10-15, Neh 1:1-11).
Lead by Example
Walk consistently in the ways you expect from others (Mt 23:1-4).
Follow authority that others will follow you (Mt 26:36-44).
Don't oppress with the added authority that comes with promotion (Neh 5:15).
Love & be sacrificial so as not to oppress others (Mk 10:35-45).
: slave, house master, prisoner, prime minister (Gen 37-41).
Nehemiah: cupbearer, builder, governor (Neh 1-13).
Make Godly Decisions
Utilize God's ways not man's ways (Isa 55:8, Mk 7:6-9).
God's will may align with the will of the minority (Num 13:25-33).
God's will may involve substantial risk (Ex 14:10-14).
Consider the counsel of others (Ex 18:19, Prov 1:5).
Bear the criticism of those with you, do not react hastily (Num 12:1-8).
Confront wrong doing & correct it immediately (Neh 5:1-13, 13:1-31).
Pray & Plan
Recognize & concern yourself with the needs (Neh 1:1-4).
Confess your contribution to the problem (Neh 1:5-7).
Pray: claim God's promises & make your requests (Neh 1:8-11).
Plan diligently, do not be hasty (Neh 2:1-8, Prov 21:5).
Pray, aspire, plan, be obligated, be eager &, if necessary, wait (Rom 1:8-15).
Wait for God to change circumstances & authority (Neh 1:1, 2:1, Prov 21:1).
Withhold a vision until the opportune time (Neh 2:11-12, Mk 4:33).
Pursue the Vision
Seize the day, pursue the window of opportunity (Neh 2:1-2).
Motivate appealing to internal aspirations, not external rewards (Neh 2:17).
Rely on God's power & employ the resources you have (Neh 2:18).
Uphold God's promises amidst the people's pessimism (Num 14:1-10).
Expect challenges & impassable waters (Ex 14:10-31).
God is all that you will need to accomplish the task (Ex 3:7-14).
Expect Opposition & Discouragement
Expect mounting criticism & discouragement (Neh 4:1-10).
Opposition will challenge the vision & its author (Neh 4:1-2).
Critics will take cheap shots (Neh 4:3).
The discouraged loose strength, vision, confidence & security (Neh 4:10-11).
Opposition will exercise personal, public & religious attack (Neh 6:1-14).
Counter Opposition & Discouragement
Respond gently or not at all (Neh 2:19-20, Prov 15:1, 28, Mt 27:12-14).
Counter opposition & discouragement with prayer & action (Neh 4:4-9).
Consolidate the effort toward the goal (Neh 4:13).
Direct the people's attention to the Lord (Neh 4:14).
Utilize both offensive & defensive strategies when necessary (Neh 4:15-18).
Establish a rallying point - a place, a principle, a companion (Neh 4:19-20).
Develop interdependent teamwork (Neh 4:22-23).
Delegate Tasks
Delegate to reduce fatigue & accomplish the task (Ex 18:13-27, Mt 9:35-38).
Explain tasks to be achieved & boundaries to work within (Ex 18:20, Mt 10).
Delegate responsibility & authority (Ex 18:22, Mt 25:14-30).
Increase the sphere of responsibility of the trustworthy (Neh 7:2, 2 Tim 2:2).
Decrease the sphere of responsibility of the unfaithful (Mt 25:14-30).
Utilize a leadership structure if necessary (Ex 18:21, Num 11:1-25).
Develop Leadership
Choose leaders who know & are known for Godliness (Ex 18:21, 1 Tim 3:1-8).
Choose leaders who are wise, discerning & experienced (Deut 1:13).
Choose leaders who demonstrate leadership ability (1 Tim 3:4-5).
Demonstrate greater abilities with the inner core (Mk 5:35-43).
Share the greater moments with the inner core (Lk 9:28-36).
Reveal greater visions & truths with the inner core (Mk 13:3-37).
Share greater burdens with the inner core (Mt 26:36-46).
Celebrate Achievement
Bring closure to the project through celebration (Neh 12:27-29, Lk 10:17).
Rally around the accomplishment (Neh 12:31-39, Lk 10:18).
Recognize God's hand in the project (Neh 12:40-43, Lk 10:19-22).
Release emotional energies through celebration (Neh 12:43, Lk 10:21).
Dedicate the achievement (Neh 12:27, 30, Lk 10:23-24).