In each of the first three terms we are
in partnership with God.
Income: God ultimately provides,
but we are to labor (Ps 104:14).
Spending: Our priority expenditure
is to return to God what is His (Mt 22:15-22).
Savings: God ultimately owns, but
we are to manage (Lk 16:1-13).
In contrast, when we are in debt, we are
in partnership with man (Prov 22:7).
In addition, our children may inherit
this cycle of debt & partnership (Neh 5:1-5).
Conditions for Lending & Borrowing
While borrowing is discouraged in Scripture,
it is permitted & regulated.
Israel could lend to other nations but
not borrow from them (Deut 15:6).
If one was impoverished, they could borrow
(Lev 25:35, Deut 15:7-11, Mt 5:42).
Conversely, others were to generously
lend to the poor whatever they lacked.
Within the Biblical perspective, indebted
people & nations are impoverished.
Term & Final Collection
The term of the loan was seven years (Deut
15:1-5, 31:10, Neh 10:31).
At this time, the sabbatical year, all
debts were canceled freeing the people.
The outstanding amount owed by those within
the nation was not to be collected.
In this case, the remaining amount owed
was given to the debtor (Lk 6:34-35).
The outstanding amount owed by those outside
the nation could be collected.
Interest was not extracted from a brother.
The texts include Ex 22:25, Lev 25:36-37,
Deut 23:19, Ps 15:5, Eze 18:7-9.
Interest could be extracted from others
outside the nation (Deut 23:20).
The interest which is collected will find
its way to support the poor (Prov 28:8).
Refusing to pay what is due is considered
evil (Ps 37:21).
Believers are encouraged to not owe anyone
anything (Rom 13:7-8).
Collateral & Cosigning
Collateral was permitted, but strictly
It was not to be things which supported
basic living (Ex 22:26-27, Deut 24:6).
One could not trespass another's property
to collect collateral (Deut 24:10-13).
Cosigning is disapproved in several texts
(Prov 6:1-5, 11:15, 17:18, 22:26-27).
If one has cosigned, they should plead
to remove themselves.