A Young Earth Hypothesis:
Speed of Light Variation
January 20, 1996
The interpretation of the Bible & nature will ultimately agree.
A recent discovery regarding the speed of light (c) illustrates how this may occur.
Variations in c have been noted in measurements taken over the last 300 years.
This takes into account the advancement in measurement accuracy over time.
The empirical equation is as follows:
Speed of light as a function of time (kilometers per second)
c variation affects many things including radioactive dating (carbon-14, uranium-238, etc.).
When graphed together, radioactive dating and literal Biblical dating closely align:
A far reaching hypothesis such as this could explain other phenomena:
red shift of incoming light waves from space
the missing mass in the universe
the missing fossils in the geological record
This hypothesis illustrates how origin data in the Bible and in nature can ultimately agree.
Constancy of the Speed of Light
" web site.