Origin: Where Did I Come From?
December 13, 1997
The Issues
When considering our "roots" as individuals, we often focus on the immediate.
We think of our genetic heritage from parents, genealogy, nationality or race.
We might consider the sub-culture or nation in which we were raised.
The question of origin, however, goes far deeper than these immediate ties.
Origin seeks the first cause & design of all & the source of human personality.
The question pursues the roots of humanity & our life sustaining environment.
Science & Reason: Insights & Limitations
The secular (non-religious) approach to origin is limited to science & reason.
Figure: "
Origin: Issues, Science & Reason
Science has limited method & incomplete theory of origin with low probability.
Reason offers a logical possibility of a god, but lacks conclusiveness.
Science & reason have distinct limitations in resolving the question of origin.
Their limitations, of course, should not lead to a "god of the gaps."
A New Approach to Creation
In light of the limits of science & reason, consider the following approach.
First, evaluate the Biblical solution to origin on its own merits.
In other words, does the Genesis account address the issues of origin?
Second, correlate its position to scientific models.
The Genesis Account
The Genesis text addresses the issues of origin category by category.
Figure: "
Origin: Issues & the Genesis Account
While limited in detail, the Bible points to God as the ultimate originator.
Creation & Revelation Agree
The Bible claims the natural world & reason support a supernatural beginning.
Figure: "
The Heavens Are Telling
Within the Biblical framework, God's creation & revelation ultimately agree.
Figure: "
God, Author of Creation & Revelation
Controversy over origin is one of interpretation not unresolvable differences.
Data supporting God's creation is viewed from both young & old earth models.
Figure: "
Seven Popular Views of Origin
Catastrophic & uniformitarian models exist in the Christian & secular arenas.
This spectrum of views supports the ultimate agreement of creation & revelation.
See also: "
Origin, A Topical Study from the Foundations Web Site
A detailed discussion of origin, however, goes far beyond the scope of this work.
You are encouraged to seek both young & old earth models from other sources.
From Philosophical to Personal
The Bible addresses the question of origin category by category.
God's work of creation & revelation will ultimately be seen in agreement.
Psalm 139:13-16 states that God is also responsible for our personal existence.
The God of the universe determined our time in history & individual makeup.
The life-sustaining world around us & our very existence we owe to God.