There are four areas which draw us into
the depths of this question.
These are: freewill, responsibility, values
& morals:
Am I free to choose?
Am I responsible for my choices?
Am I valuable & is anything else
Do any moral standards exist &,
if they do, what is their relevance?
Our everyday activities are entwined with
our beliefs in these four areas.
We observe these beliefs at the individual
level & the societal level.
Self worth & the people & things
we care about are based on our value system.
Society's monetary & economic systems
follow from agreed upon values.
The rights we assume are founded upon
our beliefs in freedom of choice.
What we see as right & wrong stem
from our beliefs in responsibility & morals.
Government systems follow from agreed
upon rights, responsibilities & morals.
Much of individual & societal life
is founded upon these four areas.