& Adoption |
19, 1998 |
Examples of Childlessness
Abraham & Sarah - Gen 16:1-6, 17:15-21,
18:9-15, 21:1-7.
Issac & Rebekah - Gen 25:19-26.
Jacob & Rachel - Gen 28:13-14, 29:31,
30:1-8, 22-24, 35:16-20.
Jacob & Leah - Gen 30:9-21.
Boaz & Ruth - Ruth 4:13.
Elkanah & Hannah - 1 Sam 1:1-20, 2:18-21.
David & Michal - 2 Sam 6:20-23.
Zacharias & Elizabeth - Lk 1:5-79.
Insights into Childlessness
Childlessness may be from sin or natural
causes - Michal, Zacharias & Elizabeth
Expect personal jealousy & anger -
Sarah, Rachel & Leah.
Expect ridicule by others - Hanna.
Endure sorrow as others have - Rachel
& Hanna.
Both husband & wife petition God for
children - Issac & Hanna.
Dedicate future children to the Lord -
A specific promice may be revealed - Abraham,
Jacob, Hanna & Zacharias.
Have faith in an impossible situation
- Abraham, Sarah, Hanna & Zacharias.
Waiting may be required - Issac &
Examples of Adoption
Israel adopts Ephraim and Manasseh - Gen
Pharaoh's daughter adopts Moses - Ex 2:1-10,
Acts 7:21.
Samuel is raised by Eli - 1 Sam 1:21-2:11.
Mordecai adopts Ester - Esth 2:5-7.
Jesus is raised by Joseph - Lk 2:1-52.
Christians are adopted as sons by God
- Rom 8:15, 23, Gal 4:5, Eph 1:5.
Insights into Adoption
Adoption preserves the fatherless - Moses,
Ester & the Christian.
Adoption brings benefits to the parent
- Isreal, Eli, Mordecai & Joseph.
God is the father to the fatherless -
Psalm 146:9.
Orphans (along with widows and aliens)
are to be supported - Deut 14:29, etc.