The Fall
of Humanity |
15, 1997 |
The Original Condition (Gen 1:26-31)
God made man & woman like Himself
in perfection (1:26).
God then blessed them recognizing them
as "very good" (1:28-31).
Only after the fall did they become imperfect
knowing good & evil (3:22).
The Command (Gen 2:16-17)
God gave the man & woman a choice,
He did not mechanize them.
The command was negative & not positive.
They could express constant obedience
by restricting only one activity.
Positive commands require a repeated act
to express continuing obedience.
A positive command would have been more
The command typifies "freedom within form"
in Biblical commands.
The Tree (Gen 2:17)
Notice the unusual name of the tree: "The
tree of the knowledge of good & evil."
The full meaning of the words "good" &
"evil" was limited.
The name could have been "The tree of
the knowledge of squik & squirk."
This knowledge was undesirable, however,
because of it would bring death.
God retained their innocence in giving
them the command.
The Purpose of the Command
If the man & woman ate from the tree,
what would happen to their perfection?
The answer is found in the elements of
perfection: truth, holiness & love.
Truth - they would distrust God by accepting
a lie in place of His truth.
Holy - they would disobey God by choosing
their will over God's.
Love - they would place the importance
of themselves & nature above God.
They would abandon their perfection &
relationship with God by eating.
Since God cannot look at evil (Hab 1:13),
God would have to abandon them.
Through the tree, they could choose to
maintain their relationship with God.
The Tempter (Gen 3:1)
The serpent was an animal originally created
by God.
Other Scripture reveals the serpent to
be the fallen angel Satan (Rev 12:9).
An angel is a finite supernatural being.
Like the man & woman, some angels
fell to an imperfect condition.
See also: "Studies
in God's World."
A likely scenario is that Satan possessed
an animal created by God.
The Deception (Gen 3:1-5)
Was the Lord a God who was oppressive
& did not provide (vs 1)?
Satan's claims directly oppose God's (vs
He implies the knowledge of good &
evil is acceptable because God has it.
He also implies that God was deceiving
by keeping this knowledge from them.
The Purpose of the Temptation
Left on their own, the man & woman
had no meaningful alternative to obedience.
Created perfect, they had no means of
concocting a meaningful alternative.
The serpent's temptation gave an alternative
to consider.
The man & woman now had two viable
Because the alternatives opposed each
other, only one could be true.
The temptation moved them from passive
acceptance to active choice.
An Unknown Period of Time
The time elapsed between creation/temptation
& temptation/fall is unknown.
Both intervals probably totaled something
less than 130 years.
By this time they had another child after
Cain & Able named Seth (Gen 5:3).
The Fall (Gen 3:6)
There were three reasons given for their
First, it "was good for food," it would
satisfy their bodily needs.
Second, "it was a delight to the eyes,"
it appealed to their senses.
Third, it would "make one wise," it appealed
to their desire for reason.
Here, human experience & reason takes
precedence over God's revelation.
James 1:13-15 states that people are the
author of sin not God.
This also defines temptation as being
enticed & carried away by one's own lust.
God made the man & woman with choice
(Gen 2:16-23).
God also provided them with an alternative
to temptation (1 Cor 10:13).